2014 Audio Engineering Society Join us on July 19 for the Audio for Gaming Workshop. Details coming soon! Click here to add the Audio for Gaming Workshop to your calendar For more information, contact secretary@aesatl.org 2014 Upcoming Meetings and Events July 19, 2014 - Audio for Gaming Workshop Past Meetings May 17, 2014 - The Art of Record Production April 21, 2014 - NAB Review joint meeting with SBE and SMPTE March 22, 2014 - Live Sound Workshop December 16, 2013 - 10th Annual Holiday Gathering September 21, 2013 - 9th Annual Student Workshop August 12, 2013 - Tour of The Rialto Center for the Arts June 3, 2013 - Loudness Analysis and Control Tools May 20, 2013 - Tour of Turner HD Mobile Units and Turner Studios April 22, 2013 - NAB Review joint meeting with SBE, SMPTE and SSPI March 20, 2013 - Murray Arts Center Tour February 13, 2013 - SSL Mobile Broadcast Demonstration Vehicle at CTG Saturday, January 12, 2013 - AES and NARIP Brunch Monday, December 10, 2012: 9th Annual Holiday Gathering with SBE, SMPTE and SSPI Monday, October 8, 2012: Networked Audio Meeting - AES/SMPTE co-sponsored event Saturday, September 15, 2012: 8th Annual Student Workshop July 21, 2012: Audio for Interactive Entertainment June 11, 2012: The CALM Act, joint meeting with SMPTE May 31, 2012: Get Connected Industry Mixer May 12, 2012: Live Sound Workshop March 19, 2012: Harman Studer Remote Truck at Atlanta Institute of Music February 20, 2012: "The Savory Collection" presented by Loren Schoenberg, Artistic Director of The National Jazz Museum in Harlem December 12, 2011: Annual Holiday Gathering September 17, 2011: 7th Annual Student Workshop July 30, 2011: Mixing Across the Board - An Audio Mixing Workshop and Benefit for the Family of Roger Nichols June 20, 2011: Lies, Damned Lies and Specifications March 21, 2011: Georgia Dome Tour February 19, 2011: Acoustic and Electro-Acoustic Measurement Workshop January 23, 2011: NARIP Brunch December 13, 2010: Annual Holiday Gathering October 2, 2010: Audio from A to Z All-Day Seminar in conjunction with SMPTE September 27, 2010: Bill Whitlock on Proper Grounding Bill's Powerpoint Presentation as a PDF from the meeting September 18, 2010: 6th Annual Student Workshop June 5, 2010: The Art & Busine$$ of Game Audio December 14, 2009: 6th Annual AES/SBE/SMPTE Holiday Gathering, Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro, Atlantic Station November 14, 2009: 2nd Annual Sound for Worship Workshop September 19, 2009: 5th Annual Student Workshop August 3, 2009: Jim Anderson On Jazz Recording June 22, 2009: Fox Theatre Moller Pipe Organ tour with Joe Patton February 21, 2009: All Day Workshop on Project Management (in conjunction with Atlanta SMPTE) February 2, 2009: "Get In The Mix 2009" December 8, 2008: 5th Annual AES/SBE/SMPTE Combined Holiday Gathering October 18, 2008 - Sound for Worship Workshop September 20, 2008: 4th Annual Audio Workshop for Students May 20, 2008: Dolby Loudness (in conjunction with SBE Atlanta Chapter) March 25, 2008: Live Sound - Obstacles and Opportunities December 10, 2007: Annual AES/SBE/SMPTE Holiday Gathering October 15, 2007: DSP Monitoring by Genelec September 8, 2007: 3rd Annual Audio Workshop for Students June 11, 2007: "The Fate of Wireless After 2009" presented by Luis Guerra of Shure - PDF files below April 29, 2007: Telarc Recording at Atlanta Symphony Hall March 12, 2007: Grounding, Shielding and Interface Tutorial by Bill Whitlock of Jensen Transformers February 19, 2007: Tour of the Gibson Guitar Factory, Nashville, TN January 18, 2007: Discussion on Broadcast Processing and Level Control Focusing on Dolby's Dialnorm Technology, in association with Atlanta SBE December 11, 2006: Annual Holiday Gathering September 16 , 2006: 2nd Annual Student Workshop June 19, 2006: Jim Anderson presents "The Art of Jazz Recording" May 14, 2006: Atlanta Braves game and tour of Turner Field A/V Systems February 20, 2006: Studer Vista 8 Audio Console December 12, 2005: Annual Holiday Gathering November 12, 2005: Moog Music Tour November 3, 2005: HD Surround for Music and Broadcast with Mike Sokol of Fits & Starts Productions. Co-sponsored with Atlanta SBE. September 2005: Audio Workshop for College and High Schools Students August 2005: Family lake outing at Lake Hartwell, SC June 2005: Axia Audio, in conjunction with Atlanta SBE, presented by Kirk Harnack of Telos May 2005: Acoustic Workshop with Russ Berger and Jeff Szymanksi March 2005: Bruce Bartone of Genelec on Surround Speakers and Space February 2005: Jeffrey Riedmiller of Dolby on Broadcast Loudness and Digital Audio Levels (Combined AES, SMPTE, SBE) December 2004: Combined AES, SMPTE, SBE Holiday Celebration November 2004: Combined AES, SMPTE, SBE meeting at Pesa Switching Systems, Huntsville, AL September 2004: Network Audio Systems for Broadcast Part 2, in conjunction with the AES Technical Committee on Network Audio Systems August 2004: Audio lake outing at Lake Hartwell, SC April 2004: Network Audio Systems for Broadcast, in conjunction with the AES Technical Committee on Network Audio Systems February 2004: Russ Berger at Patchwerk Studio December 2003: Annual Holiday Gathering October 2003: The Fox Theatre's "Mighty Mo" Pipe Organ July 2003: Denon Plant Tour April 2003: "Top Ten Grounding & Signal Interconnection Myths" with guest speaker Bill Whitlock, President of Jensen Transformers April 2003: Behind the Scenes Sound tour of the sound system for Cirque du Soleil's Varekai production February 2003: Behind the scenes of The Lion King October 2002: Surround Workshop June 2002: Yamaha DM2000 Digital Audio Console April 2002: "The Art of Mixing Jazz" with Jim Anderson February 2002: Protools HD at GPTV December 2001: Holiday Social at Einstein's October 2001: Audio Precision at GPTV May 2001: Crawford Communications Facility Tour This page last updated
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 AES Atlanta Section Calendar
Atlanta Section
Click here if you would like to become an AES member
All forms are in Adobe PDF format, Adobe Reader required to view
September 20, 2014 - 10th Annual Student Workshop
December 8, 2014 - 11th Annual Holiday Gathering
April 16, 2014 - Brad Weber Benefit
Charlie Hughes Presentation PDF, Subwoofer Alignment PDF, Ivan Beaver Presentation PDF, Wayne Lee Presentation PDF www.jimandersonsound.com
White Spaces Presentation
Feb 2009 FCC Facts
FCC White Spaces Industry Statement
Click for photos from the workshop
Jim's Powerpoint Presentation from the meeting
Extra special thanks to Jason McCullough and Adam Neal for arranging our meeting location for this event. Thanks guys!
There is no fee to attend most section meetings (unless otherwise indicated) and they're open to everyone with an interest in professional audio